Specialized manufacturer of Digital Pressure Meters and Load Cells


If you do not receive automated reply mails

You have entered a wrong e-mail address:

If you have entered a wrong e-mail address. Our mails will be sent to the address.
Automated reply mail does not support error handling that returns a failure notice such as "Address not found". Therefore, please note that even if you do not receive automated reply, we have no way of knowing that.
Before submitting your form, make sure again you have entered the correct address.

Your e-mail address is not RFC-compliant:

Automated reply mails may not be received properly if your e-mail address is not RFC-compliant, for example, multiple dots in a row (..) or a dot before the at sign (.@).
E-mail address format is defined in RFC (Request For Comment) as shown in the following:
● / ! “@ # $ % & ‘ ( ) = ~ | \ ^ : ; * + ? < > , ` [ ] { } may not be used.
● Only alphanumeric characters can precede the at sign (@).
● Multiple consecutive dots (..) or underscores (_) are not allowed.
● Mail address must start with an alphanumeric character.

You are using mail block settings:

Add our domain (valcom.co.jp) or e-mail address () to the Approved list so that mails from VALCOM may be received.
In case of mobile phone, mails sent from PC may be blocked. Confirm your mobile mail settings.

You are using a free e-mail account (gmail.com, hotmail.com or yahoo.co.jp):

Mails from VALCOM may have been determined to be spam by the anti-spam setting, mail block setting or anti-spoofing rules, thus sorted into the Spam folder.
Confirm the mail folders and exempt VALCOM mails from the spam filtering.
In case of Yahoo! Mail, some mails may not be received if you are using Reject Spoofed Mail option. In such a case, add VALCOM domain to the Whitelist.

Sorted into the Spam folder by the e-mail software or antivirus software:

Mails you received from us may have been sorted into the Spam folder according to the filtering rules of the mail software or antivirus software you use.
Remove VALCOM from the Blocked sender list.

Blocked by spam filtering service by your Internet service provider:

If nothing is wrong with the e-mail software and antivirus software settings, mails from VALCOM may have been blocked by your Internet service provider.
Check if your Internet service provider has a spam filtering service that will block mails from VALCOM.

Quota exceeded (Mailbox for user is full):

If mailbox quota (storage limit) is almost full, new mails may not be received.
In such a case, delete unnecessary mails from the mailbox to free up the server space.

If you still do not receive automated replies even when none of the above applies:

Please note that these are just general measures.
There may be some other issues difficult for us to grasp. If you do not receive the automated replies from VALCOM, contact us at , accompanied by the following information:
● Company name, your name
● E-mail address unable to receive automated replies
● OS, browser, security software, etc. (including version numbers) you are using

For some factors beyond our control, such as your e-mail software setting, Internet service provider's filtering service or free e-mail account, you may need to contact by yourself the service provider concerned about the solution to the problem. We apologize for any inconvenience in advance.